So since I wrote the last time I have bought a new phone, so that I have one that I can use here in the US. Shawn helped me with that so I got a really good price on it. We went school shopping on Monday (18th), I had to buy some school appropriate clothes since I didn’t have any before. On Tuesday Bella and I got up early to get our nails done at the salon! It was super fun, we got gel lack on them!
In the afternoon I met two girls that goes to the same school as me. They were super nice! We went a little bit up the mountains to see the view, it is so beautiful here!!! Though I forgot that I had had altitude sickness before and I got super dizzy after a while. They introduced me to their families and one of the girl’s grandparents are from Sweden. So she calls them farmor and farfar, they also have the same painting made by a swedish artist as my grandmother has.
I started school on Wednesday, the girls that I met the day before drove me to school and introduced me to their friends. At school they first had an assembly where the cheerleaders and the drill team performed. It was so cool it truly felt like a high school movie, they also had some kind of tradition were they ate beets. The schools team is called the beet diggers, not the coolest name but they are good! They are called that because a long time ago there were beet fields next to the school and the kids helped to harvest that or something. They helped me find my first class which was math… they introduced me to a guy who had the same class as me and after the first period he helped me find my second one. I liked my second class, drawing we had an awesome teacher. Oh so just to make this clear you have A days and B days, so every other day you have the same schedule. Also you can have either A lunch or B lunch, if you have A lunch you have two periods, lunch and then two more. If you have B lunch you have three periods, lunch and then only one more period before the day ends. So on my first day which was an A day I also had A lunch. That day I had lunch with Chase and his friends. Then I had French the third period, which was extremely easy. It was French 2 and I have had French for about six years soooo….. And I am not even that good! Anyway the teacher was great and I had the same teacher for my next class which was US government. Though that class was super hard, we had a test just to see how much we already knew. There were about 40 questions and I knew the answer to one of them. It was kind of like ’which rights do you have if the police takes you into custody’ or something like that. So thanks to like all the movies I have ever seen (mainly 21 jump street) I was able to wright, they have the right to remain silent and they have right to an attorney. So I got one point, but fortunately we got points for effort! So everyone in the class got 100 points on the test. So the first day went great!
The second day, Thursday did not go that well… For my fifth period (the first period on B day) I had psychology which was fine, very interesting. On my sixth period I had physics… which is pretty self-explanatory. Also there weren’t many fun people in that class, though we had a bubble blowing contest. So both Chase and the two girls that I know have B lunches on B days so I was the only one who had A lunch. Even the people I hung out with in my physics class had B lunch. So I thought I would have to like eat my sandwich in the bathroom as they always do in the movies or on a bench outside all by myself. Then I saw one of Chase’s friends and he had A lunch to (thank God) so I ate with him. For my sixth period I had language arts (English), also not many fun people and boring. I might have felt like this because I started to get sick and I was tired but I felt like that the first day too and I still liked that day. After that I had lifetime fitness, you kind of just run and sometimes we are going to try different sports, but mostly running. I liked that class, more fun people and the teacher was this kind of scary looking guy but he was super nice! That evening my friends came over (the two girls) that was super fun.
On Friday I went to school (OFC) then when I got home Tori, Shawn and I went to my first football game! It was so much fun, except for the fact that it started to rain a lot. So after a while Tori and I went home since it was cold and I was sick. We just made something to eat and I went to bed because I was not feeling well. I just felt awful when I woke up on Saturday my throat was extremely sore. I Skyped with my family and after that Shawn and I went to their bank to set up an account for me. Because sometimes when I try to use my card it is not working so instead of going through the trouble of having to redo my payment every time we just got me an american account. After that we went to the mall to fix my phone. So a week earlier we got me a sell again phone and we noticed that a button didn’t work. We just went back there and got a new phone, it went well except for that the email I sent to myself with my photos did not send. So that’s why I don’t have any photos posted. When we got home I did not feel that good, my throat was killing me and I think I had a fever or something. After eating and taking some medication I went downstairs to the movie room and watched a movie. There was a dans thing at the school that night but I couldn’t go which was super sad.
That is all for now!