Sunday v34 and Friday v35!

Hi! On Sunday last week ( v34) we went to brunch with Shawn’s sister and mother in the morning. It was Shawn’s mother’s birthday, it was super fun to meet them! After that we went to a homecoming in a town called Eden. In the Church of Jesus Christ which is the mormon church kids can go away as missionaries when they are done in High school. When they come home they speak in church and tell the others about their mission and that is what we went to. It is very emotional for both the missionaries and the family’s. Afterwards the family and friends eat food and mingle. Anyway the girl that had the homecoming was Tori’s sisters child, it was so nice to meet her. 
I have met Tori side of the family before, last week on Sunday. Everyone is so nice!!! And this one kid is so cute so Tori asked him to introduce me to several people and every time he said ”This is Denise she is from Swedish, it is on another continent!” It was so funny! 
On Friday (last week) we went to a football game! It was my school Jordan against East, it was so much fun! There were so many people there from our school cheering them on. We had painted our faces and put on the school colors, we also had maroon headbands on (though I had mine around my wrist). Everyone was so excited and we were screaming, cheering, jumping and it was sooooo hot outside! I was dying, I wore jeans and a tank top but I had brought a long-sleeved shirt incase it was cold (I did not need it). Anyway the game was awesome and we won!  
I found out that the school we were playing was the same school they filmed High School Musical in. So after the game we went there to take pictures outside of the school, and so that I could send it to my friends at home who are huge HSM fans. A few other girls came to, we took pictures and sang the songs (well they did, I had whooping cough sooooo). After a while a teacher from that school and her boyfriend sat down outside of the school. So one of the girls asked if we could go in and even offered them money (which they obviously did not accept) but the teacher had forgotten her bag in her office so she was waiting for the principal to get there and open the doors for her. When he got there he said that he could not let us in, because of the alarm or something. He went in there and everyone was very sad, but then he came back out and said that we could go in there for ten minutes. Everyone just ran inside, we started singing again and it was super fun. We saw their cafeteria, Sharpay’s pink locker, the auditorium and we want up on the stage. When we were done in the school we went to Wendy’s because everyone was starving!  
Here are some pictures!
- Denise

Mormor skriver:

Hej gumman! Så kul att få se lite bilder. Det ser väldigt amerikansk ut. Som taget ut en highscool-film. Du verkar ha det toppen. Så härligt. Kram från oss alla Örebroare. Vi hörs.

Svar: Hej! Haha ja jag gillar ju inte att va med på bild så det blir mest utan mig men några med i alla fall :) Massa kramar tillbaka!! <3

Susanna Maria J skriver:

Happyhappy friday! :D

Mamma skriver:

Hejsan min stora tjej!♥♡♥ Det är sååååå otroligt roligt att se dina bilder och läsa om vad du upplever mm. Du bor ju i en toppen familj. Jag är jätte glad för din skull att du är i USA och ser världen. Jag saknar dig massor!♥♡♥ Du är lika vacker på insidan som på utsidan. Bättre barn kan man aldrig få!!! Krya på dig med halsen. Älskar dig över allt annat i hela universum,pankakakssmet och stjärnstopp!!♥♥♥♥♡♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥ Love u 4 Ever and Ever ♥/ mamma

Mamma skriver:

Hej igen. Min lilla skorpa. Vi måste Facebooka å bestämma ny Skype tid. Puss puss ♥♥♥

Mamma skriver:

Hej igen. Min lilla skorpa. Vi måste Facebooka å bestämma ny Skype tid. Puss puss ♥♥♥

Svar: Absolut! <3

Klara skriver:

Alltså Deniseee!!!!!! Är såååå avundsjuk!!!!! :'( :'( :'(:'(<3<3

Svar: Klaraaaaaaaaa!!!!!! Saknar sig as mycket med!!!!!!!!! :'( <3<3<3<33<3<3<3<3

Klara skriver:

Btw miss you lots and lots and lots!!!! <3<3<3

Morfar och Sussi skriver:

Vi är så stolta över dig. Puss och kram från oss!!

Svar: Tack så mycket! Saknar er, massa pussar och kramar! <3


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