Weekend v35!

Hi everyone!
On Saturday last week we went classic skating! First Maddie (one of Chase’s friends) three of her friends and I went there so we got an hour’s worth of practice before everyone else got there. I was really bad at it but it was soooo much fun! Maddie and I crashed into each other and we both fell in the middle of the floor (super awkward). First a few of their friends from Brighton came and then Chase and his friends! It was awesome!!!! Then some guy kind of fell on me (well not on top of me but he ran into me and we both fell) so I have a huge bruse on my knee, but he was super nice and helped me up so it was fine. Then I met some other girls there who were so funny, so we skated for a while till a found Maddie again. Our curfew is midnight so we had to leave soon after that.
On Sunday we went to church. The mormon church has like three or four different activities on Sundays (I am still a bit confused about what to do and where to go so I don’t really know but anyway), so first we went to young women’s. Which is all the women and girls in one room and we do an activity, sing, read scriptures and stuff like that. After that you go with the girls who are the same age as you and a few of the older women (the mothers) go to another room where they teach you about the subject of the week like for example about mothers and their responsibilities. Then you go to another room with both boys and girls that are your age and do like talk and stuff. When I was there Maddie told us about here trip to Fiji. ALSO! You get food or cookies (aka swedish fika) which is awesome. After that you go inte the big room with everyone for the service. There they sing and talk about the mormon religion and take sacrament which is bread and water (instead of wine). It is nice, it is fun to learn about their religion and it is very interesting! Then we had dinner with Tori’s family, her aunt and uncle and their families and a few more. It was one of the kids birthday and we went to the Olive garden to eat. It was fun to meet them and Shawn and Tori’s I think it was uncle was joking the whole time and they were hilarious!
- Denise

Mormor skriver:

Hejsvejs! Det är såååå himla kul att läsa om vad du får uppleva over there. Det verkar hända saker hela tiden. Kul för dig att du verkligen får se och vara med om hur det är i verkliga amerikanska livet. Och att åka skridskor. Huvva, men skojigt. Du får vara rädd om dig bara så du inte gör illa dig. Ha det gott och hälsa familjen. Tusen kramar från mig.


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